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New Gloucester images

Book / In-house Use Only

Collection: Books and Pamphlets

New Hampshire

Book / In-house Use Only

Collection: Books and Pamphlets

Wartime vacations in New Hampshire

Book / In-house Use Only

Collection: Books and Pamphlets

Well-known Indians of the Bethel Area

Text / Available Online

Well-Known Indians of the Bethel Area by Catherine Newell Note on Indian Names: The names which have come down to us identifying certain Indians are usually corruptions of the French Christian names received at baptism in Canada. There are, for…

Molly Ockett with cap

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Still Image / Available Online

Molly Ockett was described by her contemporaries as an impressive woman, a woman possessed of "a large frame and features" and an erect carriage, even in old age. When allusion was made to this latter trait, Molly Ockett would remark, "We read,…

Bag of Corn

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Still Image / Available Online

Molly Ockett's generous nature is well documented by Henry Tufts, who met her in the 1770s. In his autobiography, published in 1807, Tufts records an instance of her generosity to a white man from Pigwacket (Fryeburg), who found himself without food…

Trap in Tree

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Still Image / Available Online

Molly Ockett had a reputation, especially among the white settlers, as a talented storyteller. Because of her ability to relate stories of the past in great detail, her listeners became convinced that she was present during the events she described.…

Molly Ockett in Canoe

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Still Image / Available Online

One of Molly Ockett's outstanding traits was her ability to move easily in and out of the white communities. In her lifetime, she saw her native world devastated—her people killed, their land taken, and their resources depleted or destroyed—and yet…

Canoeing on the Androscoggin

canoeing the river (Danna Nickerson photo).JPG

Still Image / Available Online

Remains of boom piers at Berlin

remains of boom piers at Berlin (Danna Nickerson photo).JPG

Still Image / Available Online

Bethel's Hall House: The "Artistic Bungalow"

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Text / Available Online

Bethel's Hall House: The "Artistic Bungalow" by Danna Brown Nickerson The Hall House, circa 1942 Owned by Society members George and Danna Nickerson, the Hall House is Bethel’s most recent addition to the National Register of Historic Places.…