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Western Maine Saints [Part 4]: The York and Carter Families

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Text / Available Online

Western Maine Saints [Part 4]: The York and Carter Families by Carole York Conversion to Mormonism and Western Migration “I first embraced Mormonism in 1834 in the town of Newry, Oxford County, State of Maine. The first elders I ever heard…

Western Maine Saints [Part 3]: A Bethel Family (Frost)

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Text / Available Online

Western Maine Saints [Part 3]: A Bethel Family (Frost) by Jayne W. Fife, with Roselyn Kirk Mary Ann Frost Stearns Pratt. Photo courtesy of Jayne Fife Mary Ann Frost Stearns was a small determined woman, a widow with one child, when she…

Western Maine Saints [Part 2]: A Newry Family Who Joined the Latter-Day Saints in Seeking a Home in the West

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Text / Available Online

Western Maine Saints: A Newry Family Who Joined the Latter-Day Saints in Seeking a Home in the West by Mary E. Valentine Martha Fifield Wilkins, author of Sunday River Sketches, at the Sessions-Chapman-Bennett House near North Newry in…

Western Maine Saints [Part 1]: Mormon Missionaries in the 1830s

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Text / Available Online

Western Maine Saints: Mormon Missionaries in the 1830s by Mary E. Valentine Umbagog Lake from the highlands of Letter B Township, now Upton, Maine Editor’s Note: The area discussed in this article, and subsequent installments, includes the…

West Peru Baptist Church

Still Image / Available Online

Collection: OCHRS Photographs

West central Maine development resources

Book / In-house Use Only

Collection: Books and Pamphlets

Well-known Indians of the Bethel Area

Text / Available Online

Well-Known Indians of the Bethel Area by Catherine Newell Note on Indian Names: The names which have come down to us identifying certain Indians are usually corruptions of the French Christian names received at baptism in Canada. There are, for…