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  • Subject starts with "United States"

Maine roads to Gettysburg : how Joshua Chamberlain, Oliver Howard, and 4,000 men from the Pine Tree State helped win the Civil War's bloodiest battle / Tom Huntington

Book / In-house Use Only

CONTENTS: Introduction: Joshua Chamberlain returns to Gettysburg -- Maine goes to war -- Maine spills blood -- McClellan makes his move -- Howard loses his arm -- Ames gets a regiment -- The 7th Maine makes a charge -- The 19th Maine smells powder --…

Collection: Books and Pamphlets

General Oliver Otis Howard Speaks at Bethel

Oliver Otis Howard.jpg

Text / Available Online

General Oliver Otis Howard Speaks at Bethel by Stanley R. Howe Oliver Otis Howard (1830-1909), ca. 1865 Courtesy of the Maine Historic Preservation Commission Civil War General Oliver Otis Howard spoke at Bethel on the afternoon of 15 July…

Montana's last Civil War veterans

Book / In-house Use Only

Collection: Books and Pamphlets