COLL 35: Bethel Fire Department Records

This is a temporary placeholder finding aid for a collection that has not yet been fully processed. More detailed information about the collection will be available at a later date. While this collection is awaiting further processing, limited access to the collection may be provided to researchers who have a special interest in the subject matter, and who contact us well in advance.


COLL 35: Bethel Fire Department Records


Transcriptions and original records from the Bethel Fire Department and its predecessors. The department was originally divided into various units, each of which kept separate records.

At present, the collection consists of the following:

  • Three original record books of the Bethel Hose Co. No. 1 from 1890-1940.
  • Transcriptions of meeting records of the Bethel Hook and Ladder Co. from 1924 to 1946.
  • One original record book of the Bethel Pumper Co. from 1940 to 1946.
  • Transcriptions of records of the Bethel Pumper Co., incuding the one original book above, and one other not in our collection from 1939 to 1940.
  • Typed list of fires from 1945 to 1955.


COLL 35 Finding Aid

Finding Aid Record

In-house Use Only
