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Novum Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi / interprete Theodoro Beza
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Collection: Books and Pamphlets
Cornelii Schrevelii lexicon manuale graeco-latinum & latino-graecum : studio atque opera Josephi Hill ...
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Collection: Books and Pamphlets
Institutio graecae grammatices compendiaria in usum regiae scholae Westmonasteriensis
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Collection: Books and Pamphlets
A word in season in behalf of the Holy Scriptures : to which is added, a brief reply to the "observations" of Friend Edward Cobb / by Asa Rand
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Tags: Gould Academy | Rumford Female Religious Library (Rumford, Me.) | Rumford Point Congregational Church (Rumford, Me.)
Collection: Books and Pamphlets
A valuable assistant to every man, or, The American clerk's magazine : containing the most useful and necessary forms of writings, which commonly occur between man and man, under the names of acquittances, agreements ... / by Samuel Freeman
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Tags: Gould Academy
Collection: Books and Pamphlets
Roma restituta, sive, Antiquitatum romanarum compendium absolutum : ex optimus authoribus in usum studiosae juventutis collectum / a Thoma Bello
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Tags: Gould Academy
Collection: Books and Pamphlets
The probate directory, or, An assistant to probate courts, executors, administrators, and guardians : being the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts respecting the estates of testators, intestates, and wards ... / by Samuel Freeman
Book / In-house Use Only
Tags: Gould Academy
Collection: Books and Pamphlets
Homeri Ilias : graece et latine / cum annotationibus Samuelis Clarke
Book / In-house Use Only
Collection: Books and Pamphlets
A new theory of physick and diseases : founded on the principles of the Newtonian philosophy / by Nicholas Robinson, M.D.
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Collection: Books and Pamphlets
Marci Tullii Ciceronis epistolarum libri IV. : Cum postremis H. Stephani & D. Lambini editionibus diligenter collati, & quam accuratissime emendati. A Joanne Sturmio In puerilem educationem confecti. Huic editioni accesserunt Graeca Latinis expressa
Book / In-house Use Only
Collection: Books and Pamphlets