Your Maine lands : reflections of a Maine guide / Tom Hanrahan ; illustrated by Kelly Thorndike ; with a foreword by John Elias Baldacci


Your Maine lands : reflections of a Maine guide / Tom Hanrahan ; illustrated by Kelly Thorndike ; with a foreword by John Elias Baldacci


"On behalf of Maine's Department of Conservation, a master Maine guide introduces the free amenities of the nearly one million acres of Maine's public lands, including hunting and fishing, with advice on how to prepare for a visit to the North Maine Woods"--Provided by publisher

Contents: Going public -- On being alone -- Ocean view snowmobiling -- On hunting -- The famous Maine moose -- Bear hunt -- Dogs -- Tracking bobcats downeast -- Goshawk Kill -- Shed hunt -- On pa'tridge -- Allagash Lake -- The right firearms -- Preparedness -- Legend of the North Maine Woods -- Fish on the fly -- Spring at Deboullie -- Downeast -- Staying found -- Nahmakanta -- Extreme cold -- Lists and more lists -- Snowshoes -- Foul weather -- Falling -- On reading and TV -- Scrapes and other important matters -- Woods church -- Hunt telos forever -- Spring arrives


Solon, Me. : Polar Bear & Co., c2008




Physical Description

76 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.


1st ed.

Book Record

In-house Use Only


Copies and Location

Shelf LocationCall NumberIdentifier
SPIDELL READING ROOMGV 191.42 .M2 H37 20082015.023.5006